NFD-Special Modified Plastics | Special Plastics | The Professional Manufacturer of Nano-Antibacterial Plastics



At the precondition of meeting the mission requirements, to reduce the weight is another eternal goal and theme in aircraft designing. In the structural designing, lightweighting has become the dominant direction for overall development, which means less material use, lighter body weight, and less carbon emissions. Lighter the structural weight is, farther the aircraft flies when the outside conditions and fuel consumption are fixed. Thus, when several aircrafts’ strength, rigidity and service life are equal to each other, the lighter the better.


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NFD Company provides large numbers of engineering plastic types and also mature material modification technologies which can meet the applications requiring properties. You can quickly find the materials that meet your product's capabilities here. Our fast delivery mechanism can make your creative ideas quickly become a reality.



The application of materials of great strength, stiffness and lightweight as well as rational structure will help to reduce aircrafts’ structural weight. The application of advanced composites plays a vital role in reducing structural weight, integrating the structure and perfecting the performance. Correspondingly, composite technology has also become one of the core technologies that facilitate the development of aircrafts.


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Parts and components   Part of wing materials: PEEK, PPS

Payloads and flight systems   Payloads and flight systems: PAEK, PEEK, PAI

Structural, interior & cargo components   Parts and components: PPSU, PARA, PC, TPI, PET




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